Founder . Mentor
Ko Manaia Te Maunga
Ko Terenga Paraoa Te
Ko Takahiwai Te Whenua
Ko Takahiwai Te Marae
Ko Rangiora Te Tupuna
Ko Patuharakeke Te Hapu
My name is Delane and I am a mentor at MacStrong Mentors working alongside the next generation of young people. I love what I do, I get to learn from our young people and help guide them on their journey. My job is to lead by example through actions ‘show me don’t tell me’. This approach has helped me to connect and challenge our young people to be the best versions of themselves.
I have 10 years mentoring experience and am a firm believer in the following quote:
“A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could”
My Iwi is Ngapuhi and Hapu – Patuharakeke.
My favourite thing in the world to do is to spend time with my whanau.
For more information or to get in touch contact us here